April 14, 2012
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) will present the 56th annual Parade of Homes during the open house weekends of Oct. 6-7 and Oct. 13-14. This premier, statewide showcase of new homes in Hawaii will educate consumers on the…
April 7, 2012
The economic downturn has hurt many American families over the past few years, and sadly that means there is a larger number of fore-closed homes on the market than when the economy is healthy. The lower price of these homes…
March 31, 2012
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) will present the eighth annual Remodel It Right/Remodel It Green Expo on Friday, August 10 through Sunday, August 12 at a new location: the Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. More than 200 exhibitor booths…
March 24, 2012
I just returned from incredible India where I walked into caves that were temples carved into mountains with walls that were carved recordings of the life of civilizations that existed in the 7th century B.C. I experienced and felt the…
March 17, 2012
As the April federal income tax filing deadline approaches, millions of Americans are sitting down and sorting through dozens of forms to determine how much money they owe Uncle Sam — or, how much of a refund they will get…
March 10, 2012
This is the third in a three-part series. The barriers that we covered last week impact the square-foot cost of land only. That plot of land upon which your home sits includes all the project costs. These extractions are called…
March 3, 2012
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) will present the 27th annual BIA Renaissance Building & Remodeling Awards on May 2, 2012 during the Gala Awards Dinner at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. This premier statewide competition is open to all…
February 25, 2012
This is the second of a three-part series. We will discuss the first three barriers that make workforce housing unavailable. These are: 1) Time Advertisement 2) State extractions 3) County extractions Time is a major cost driver, and as the…
February 18, 2012
This is the first of a three-part series. Today is the first of a three-part overview on affordable homes in Hawaii, what barriers are presenting challenges and what actions can break down these barriers for future generations. Honolulu ranks third…
February 4, 2012
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) will present the 27th annual BIA Renaissance Building & Remodeling Awards on May 2, 2012 during the Gala Awards Dinner at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. This premier statewide competition is open to all…
January 28, 2012
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) is very committed to our mission to “enhance the quality of life for the people of Hawaii.” Our members are dedicated professionals representing developers, general contractors, specialty contractors, suppliers and associates. The 18th…
January 21, 2012
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) is very committed to our mission to “enhance the quality of life for the people of Hawaii.” Our members are dedicated professionals representing developers, general contractors, specialty contractors, suppliers and associates. That dedication…
January 14, 2012
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) will present the 27th annual BIA Renaissance Building & Remodeling Awards May 2 during a gala awards dinner at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. This premier statewide competition is open to all residential and…
January 7, 2012
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) is very committed to our mission to “enhance the quality of life for the people of Hawaii.” Our members are dedicated professionals representing developers, general contractors, specialty contractors, suppliers and associates. The “big…
January 1, 2012
Life gets hectic during the holidays. But whatever else you have on that ‘to-do’ list put this first: childproof the house! If children get a hold of the wrong household objects, they can be seriously injured. Don’t spend your holidays…
December 25, 2011
This year’s holiday season promises to be as busy and wonderfully hectic as ever — shopping and gift-giving, decorating and celebrating with friends and family. Unfortunately, it’s an equally busy time of year for home burglars. Nearly 400,000 burglaries occur…
December 18, 2011
Planning for the holidays is a busy and joyful time. But all of the decorations, extra electrical cords and the parade of people going in and out of your home call for more safety precautions to help you make this…
December 11, 2011
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) will present the 27th annual BIA Renaissance Building & Remodeling Awards May 2, 2012 during a gala awards dinner at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. This premier statewide competition is open to all residential…
December 4, 2011
The Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii) welcomes a new slate of officers for 2012. Dean Asahina is the new president and guides the leadership team of president-elect Greg Thielen, Complete Construction Services Corp.; vice president Brian Adachi, BKA Builders…
November 27, 2011
The largest American generation is either retired or quickly nearing retirement age. Baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964 and who number more than 76 million, may be getting older, but they definitely are not ready to head…