Page 16 - Hawaii Renovation - May 14, 2023
P. 16

MAY 14, 2023
               Spring brings many opportunities to enjoy the warm weather ahead. However, spring can also mean the
Don’t be caught unaware during a storm or other natural disaster. Check out these five ways you can prepare your home for severe weather this spring.
In the event of a disaster, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to remember all your posses- sions, making it difficult to accurately as- sess the damage and loss to your home. An up-to-date home inventory can help you settle insurance claims faster and restore your home.
While it may seem daunting to inven- tory all your possessions, it is a relatively simple process. According to the Insurance Information Institute, you should start by picking an easy spot — like your kitchen — and record your kitchen appliances. As you purchase new household items, get into the habit of recording them as you go and make sure to save your receipts.
Severe weather and natural disasters can happen at any time and can be costly, so it’s critical to have enough savings in your emergency funds. More than three in four
homeowners (77%) say they have enough money to cover their home insurance de- ductible if they experience major home damage. However, many homeowners are not prepared for the cost of weather- related home damages.
According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, you should keep a small amount of cash in small bills at home in a safe place, such as a fire- and weather-proof safe. This will allow you to buy supplies, fuel and food in case a disaster makes using ATMs and credit cards impossible. Make sure to also re- view your home, health and life insurance policies, so you have enough to cover the deductibles.
While you can’t stop extreme weath- er events, you can maintain your home to reduce the impact. According to the CFSI, 23% of homeowners plan to per- form more regular home maintenance in case of severe weather.
Regular home maintenance can help prevent damage to your home and poten- tial home insurance claims. For example, by removing loose siding, broken shin- gles and dead tree limbs from your yard, you can reduce the chance of damage to your home from flying debris.
Reviewing your home insurance policy is the best way to prepare for a weather- related emergency. Of the homeown- ers surveyed, 20% plan to review their home insurance policy and 12% want to increase their coverage to be better pre- pared for emergencies.
When reviewing your policy, check to see what it covers. It’s important to un- derstand the type of coverage you have. For example, Actual Cash Value protec- tion subtracts depreciation from the value of your home or belongings. However, Replacement Cost does not subtract for depreciation, so it’s based on today’s costs. In addition to your house, your insurance may cover sheds, fences, de- tached garages and other structures on your property, but you may need to add coverage for things like sump pump fail- ure. This is also a time to inform your in-
surance agent of upgrades you have made to your home to make sure you’re covered.
Home improvement projects not only increase your home’s curb appeal, but they can also keep you safe in cases of severe weather. For example, you can replace your current windows with impact-resis- tant ones or install hurricane shutters.
During a storm, your roof is vulnerable to hail, water and debris damage. If you are replacing your roof, consider upgrad- ing to a metal roofing system, which is known to be more durable and can sustain higher winds.
There may be cases of severe weather where you’ll need to shelter in place. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends locking doors and windows, shutting air vents and turning off AC and heating systems. Head to the basement until the severe weather abates. If you don’t have a basement, head to an interior room, such as a bathroom, with few or no windows.
Learn more about what home insurance covers and find a home insurance agent near you at
This article is courtesy of Brandpoint.
beginning of severe weather events. The month of May is considered an active se- vere weather month.
After a severe weather event has passed, homeowners are tasked with assessing and repairing the damage. According to a re- cent COUNTRY Financial Security Index, one in four homeowners has experienced property damage due to severe weather or natural disasters, an increase from one in five last year. Also, three in four homeown- ers say they would like to take more steps to prepare for severe weather events or natural disasters.
“Severe weather can happen anytime, anywhere, and we have already seen its devastating effects in 2023,” says Kelvin Schill, senior vice president of property and casualty at COUNTRY Financial. “Spring severe weather is not yet behind us. And al- though we can’t control the weather, home- owners should be proactive and take steps to protect their homes and valuables from severe weather damage.”

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