Page 16 - Hawaii Renovation - Feb 19, 2023
P. 16

FEBRUARY 19, 2023
                      your water heater, water-quality issues or small plastic pieces from your fixtures that can affect your water supply.
Also, look out for changes in water temperature or tem- perature duration, a broken pilot light, noise in your unit or pipes, or the smell of gas around your water heater. If you notice any of these signs, your water heater may be failing and need to be re- paired or replaced.
door. You may not think your ga- rage door needs regular mainte- nance, but just like a car, it needs regular tune-ups. Small issues can quickly turn expensive down the line. Also, some garage door problems can pose a safety haz- ard and cause serious injury.
Depending on the age and condition of your garage door, it may be time to replace it. Re- placing your garage door can im- prove the look of your home and increase its market value.
Finally, consider installing a new fence around your property. Fences provide privacy and secu- rity. They can help keep children and pets safe inside your yard, while also keeping out unwanted animals and trespassers. This decorative element also provides protection around an outdoor space, like a pool or garden.
For all your indoor and out- door spring-cleaning projects, you can find help at The Home Depot’s Home Services. Their installers can help you choose the material and style that best fits your property and needs.
All certified service providers are local, licensed, insured and background checked. To learn more and book appointments to spruce up your home this spring, visit
This article is courtesy of Brandpoint.
The exterior of your home is just as important to inspect and repair as the interior. Your win- dows are an especially visible part of your home that need care- ful attention.
      Spring is the perfect season for home improvement as it presents many opportu-
fort, safety and most importantly, peace of mind.”
Don’t know where to start? The Home Depot’s Home Servic- es has provided a helpful spring maintenance checklist. Here are three items you can check off your to-do list to make sure your home’s internal systems and ex- ternal features run smoothly.
well as it should, it may be time to replace it. Book a consulta- tion with a certified professional who can inspect your existing system, make recommendations and give you an estimate for a new system. Not only will it help improve your home’s air quality, but it will also keep your family comfortable all season long.
As the seasons change, you may notice cracking or peeling around window exteriors. These are signs that it may be time to replace your windows.
This spring, book a window replacement. Windows should be inspected by a licensed pro- fessional every 20-25 years to see if they need to be replaced. No matter what windows you choose, a new high-quality win- dow with thick, insulated glass is more energy efficient than older single-pane windows. Best of all, new windows can also improve your home’s appearance.
Another external item to in- spect this spring is your garage
nities for first-time homebuyers and experienced homeowners to be more thorough when it comes to maintenance. As the weather warms up, you’ll find plenty of indoor and outdoor projects that can improve the functionality of your home and boost its curb ap- peal while also avoiding unpleas- ant surprises.
“Many homeowners perform spring cleaning tasks to freshen up and declutter their homes, but it’s also crucial to tackle impor- tant maintenance tasks,” says Viviane Essex, merchant at The Home Depot. “For most people, their home is their biggest invest- ment. The Home Depot’s Home Services can help homeowners with routine repairs and instal- lation projects that provide com-
  Your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is crucial to keeping your home cool during the summer. Most systems have a lifetime of 10 to 20 years, and efficiency can dras- tically decrease as your equip- ment gets older.
Water is used throughout your entire home, from showering and bathing to cooking and watering your lawn. To ensure you are us- ing quality water, you’ll need to inspect, replace and repair your water heater.
If your HVAC system is work- ing harder and not performing as
Make sure to check “inspect- ing your water heater” off your spring cleaning list. Keep an eye out for any water buildup around

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