Page 16 - Hawaii Renovation - Oct 30, 2022
P. 16

OCTOBER 30, 2022
                         The energy supply in the United States is getting cleaner and more renewable every day. Not only is this good for the planet, but it’s also good for your wallet. By taking action now you can help prepare for a clean energy future, while enjoying energy savings and a more comfortable home today.
States and communities around the country have led the way in implementing policies that support the transition to clean energy. Additionally, forward-thinking electric utilities are increasing their invest- ments in renewables like solar, wind and hydro power.
In fact, renewables are the fastest-grow- ing electricity generation source in the U.S. In just the last 12 years, the share of elec- tricity produced from renewable sources has gone from 11% to 24%, according to
the Department of Energy’s Energy Infor- mation Agency. At the same time, house- holds around the country are beginning the process of switching from fossil fuels to efficient electric for the equipment in their homes and the cars they drive.
Recent legislation, like the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, is expected to accelerate the transition with billions of dollars in finan- cial incentives designed to make necessary purchases more affordable and other market support to make clean energy and efficient electric equipment more available.
According to an analysis by Princeton University, the progress expected over the next eight years will drive down greenhouse gas emissions by about 42%, while also low- ering U.S. energy expenditures by at least 4% by 2030. Most experts predict that by as early as 2035, most U.S. energy demand can be supplied by clean energy.
Over time, as equipment needs to be replaced, homeowners will switch their gas products for electric options — things like water heaters, clothes dryers, stoves and yard equipment. The increase in electricity demand that results from this switch will be offset by innovations in efficiency that are now broadly available for electric alternatives.
Help is available if you want to prepare your home for the clean energy future. The Energy Star Home Upgrade is a set of six energy-efficiency improvements designed to work together to deliver sig- nificant energy and cost savings, while supporting the transition from fossil fuels for a cleaner, healthier and more comfort- able home.
A key innovation that supports the clean energy movement is highly efficient elec- tric heat pump technology for heating and cooling, water heating and clothes drying. Among the most important upgrades to consider, heat pumps serve double-duty with heating and cooling, making them us- able year-round.
When it comes to hot water, an Energy Star-certified heat pump water heater can save a household of four approximately $470 per year on its electric bills. Plus, these water heaters are eligible for a $300
federal income tax credit for residential energy efficiency, as well as rebates and incentives from local utilities in many areas.
Another important upgrade for a clean energy future is to avoid leakage of con- ditioned air from your home, and con- sidering more than 90% of single-family homes in the U.S. are under-insulated, this becomes an important to-do. Con- sider adding modern insulation, sealing leaks and upgrading windows to save money and prevent energy loss.
Sealing air leaks around your home and adding insulation can help your home be more comfortable and energy efficient, providing up to a 10% savings on your annual energy bills. Plus, Energy Star- certified (low-e) storm windows can save homeowners up to 20% on their annual heating and cooling bills when installed over single-pane clear glass windows (without existing storm windows).
Finally, if you don’t already have a smart thermostat, it’s time to make the switch. By upgrading to an affordable Energy Star certified smart thermostat, you can reduce your heating and cooling bill by more than 8%.
You can prepare for these upgrades by making sure your home is electric- ready. Even if you’re not planning on making these upgrades immediately, you can work with your electrician to make sure your electric panel can ac- commodate any additional electric loads.
Take the first step today and learn more at Keep in mind, you can choose the im- provements that make the most sense for your home and implement them as equipment is replaced.
On average, a homeowner can save about $500 a year on utility bills by in- stalling all elements of an Energy Star Home Upgrade. The upgrades can be made more affordable by taking advan- tage of generous rebates offered by utili- ties in some parts of the country, as well as federal income tax credits.
This article is courtesy of Brandpoint.

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