Page 16 - Hawaii Renovation - Aug 8 2021
P. 16

AUGUST 8, 2021
Born and raised in Ho- nolulu, I became a li- censed general con-
tractor and started doing small renovations and repair jobs in June 1983.
My only daughter, Tanyce, was born around the same time, so needless to say my days and nights were very busy, but also very enjoy- able. Over the next several years, Wong Construction grew to where we could handle larger additions and even new homes.
Today, I employ a crew of four skilled craftsmen, including myself, and al- though I still consider us to be a small business, we are able to handle larger jobs. We have completed proj- ects around the island of Oahu, and we can do every- thing from termite repairs to million-dollar homes.
We work with outstand- ing subcontractors — plumbers, electricians, etc. — and can draw plans and
design the home of your dreams. We also have great contacts that can provide fi- nancing.
Here are comments from satisfied homeowners Win- ifred and Norma Calabitin:
“My family and I have lived in our home for al- most 10 years and as our grandchildren got older, my wife and I decided it was time for a home expansion. We’ve looked and asked our friends and family members for recommendations of a good and trustworthy con- tractor, but there was none that would meet our expec- tations. As a homeowner, a
renovation was something big, and we wanted to be sure that we would give it to someone we trust.
“As I was driving around our neighborhood in Pacific Palisades, I noticed several houses that had the Wong Construction sign posted on them. We decided to give Les Wong a call. After meeting with Les, my wife and I agreed that we had finally met the person who would build the new addi- tion to our home. Les was very easy to talk to and was able to work with our bud- get despite the high cost of renovation in Hawaii.
“As Les and his crew be- gan to work, my family and I noticed several things we never expected to see in a typical construction crew. Les, along with his crew, were very approachable and were willing to listen to our suggestions and con- cerns regarding the renova- tion. They were very detail oriented. From the smallest
piece to the biggest part of the home, they made sure that it was what we want- ed. At the same time, they worked very quickly in com- pleting the job.
“Les and his crew were very professional and neat when it came to working at the job site. They never left our home without cleaning up and made sure that our
home was tidy at the end of the day.
“My wife and I are very glad and happy that we en- trusted Wong Construction with our home expansion. From our initial meeting with Les Wong through the completion of our home, it was never what we expect- ed, but it was everything we’ve always dreamed of. We love our new home ad- dition and for that we are very thankful to Les and his crew for all their hard work.
“We would definitely rec- ommend Wong Construc- tion for any type of home renovation or construction. Les provided all the help we needed and made our home expansion experience a re- markable one. Les and his crew are nothing but the best in what they do.”
As you can see, after more than 30 years in construc- tion, Wong Construction still strives to do the best job possible, so remember, “Do it the Wong Way!”
Les Wong is the owner of Wong Construction.

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