Local biz is the best in the game
Last month, we ran a cover story titled “RevoluSun SHINES,” providing some history surrounding Hawaii’s solar industry and why so many solar companies have come and gone. Judging from the amount of inquiries we received, it seems like you found it informative, and we’re pleased the article helped explain the benefits of going solar with a local company like RevoluSun.
Ironically, even though the article talked a lot about businesses that left for the mainland or went out of business outright, you can expect a return of solar companies in 2021. Why, you ask?
At the end of 2021, the federal tax credit for a solar system will go from 22 percent to 0. This means that 2021 will be a banner year in terms of solar demand, which inevitably means Hawaii will see a return of solar companies looking to cash in on these disappearing credits. National brands will ramp up their Hawaii operations and local roofing and electrical contractors will try to take advantage of the high demand. But is this good for homeowners?
Not if history repeats itself. Many companies who have “been out of the game” for a while, will not be up to date with the new requirements from Hawaiian Electric, nor will they be familiar with new advancements in technology. You can also expect national companies to focus on mainland work as soon as the rush is over, leaving homeowners in limbo should system maintenance be needed.
Our suggestion for going solar in 2021? Don’t wait, get started today! RevoluSun is already selling into the early part of next year.
To learn more about why so many homeowners are choosing RevoluSun and to read last month’s cover story, go to revolusun.com and click on the “RevoluSun Shines” banner.
CONTACT 748-8888
ADDRESS 660 Ala Moana Blvd., No. 220A, Honolulu
WEB revolusun.com