‘Sea’ your lawn in a new light
Lush and fine-bladed, dark green and so beautiful it’s planted on some of the world’s finest fairways, SeaStar Seashore Paspalum is the kind of turfgrass most homeowners dream about.
“If you’re looking for a golf course-quality grass, you’ll be really excited about this grass,” said Sean Aukanaii Fong of Hawaiian Turfgrass. “SeaStar has superior salt tolerance, low nitrogen fertilization and minimal pesticide requirements, and it does well in cloudy conditions.”
Developed in 2003 by Dr. Paul Raymer, director of the turfgrass breeding and genetics research program at University of Georgia, Sea-Star is an improved variety of the popular Seashore Paspalum turf. With a medium-to-fine leaf texture and excellent turf density, SeaStar was bred to be disease-resistance, and droughtand salt-tolerant. It can also tolerate many water types that are toxic to other turfgrasses.
No wonder lovely SeaStar was given top ratings in the 2007-09 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program’s seashore paspalum trials. In a June 2014 interview with Golfdom magazine, Raymer described SeaStar, “in terms of pure quality, color, density and texture, (as) better across the board than any other seashore paspalum grass on the market today.”
As a licensed grower, Hawaiian Turfgrass is the exclusive producer of SeaStar in the Aloha State. The turf is a natural fit for island lawns, according to Raymer, who said Hawaii is “one of the most ideal environments that exists for seashore paspalum grasses.”
Such beauty doesn’t come without a bit of regular upkeep, Fong cautioned.
“You’ll see this grass on golf courses and you’ll want the same look for your lawn,” he added. “You can have that, but it’ll require additional maintenance — mowing once a week with a reel mower as low as you can set it.
“A SeaStar lawn shouldn’t be allowed to grow longer than about 2 inches,” Fong added. “This gorgeous turf might be the perfect grass for you, as long as you know that you’ll have to mow weekly.”
For a lawn that looks like your favorite fairway, check out SeaStar Seashore Paspalum, available exclusively in Hawaii from Hawaiian Turfgrass. Order your new lawn (minimum 400 square feet) by June 30 for a $500 discount on installation! Call 371-0527 and mention this article to receive your special discount. If you prefer to plant your own turf, call to arrange a pickup appointment or schedule curbside delivery!
CONTACT 371-0527
ADDRESS 94-840 Lanikuhana Ave., Mililani
WEB hawaiianturfgrass.com