
I was recently the lucky house guest of my friend, Sarah, in Los Angeles. She is one of those very caring people who always remembers to send cards for birthdays and special holidays, and adds small personal touches to all of her presents. Her home reflects her personality.

Sarah stocked the place with everything she knew I might need or want. She kept my favorite snacks in the kitchen and made the guest room as comfortable as possible — even providing me with my own pair of soft slippers in a sealed bag. In the bathroom, she had fresh supplies of all the things a guest might need: fancy shampoo and conditioner, face wash, lotion, sun block, hair products, and even different kinds of body wash, depending on skin type.



What also impressed me was her presentation. Apothecary jars filled with toiletries were displayed in such a way that made them easy to access and yet elegant and uncluttered. It got me thinking that I need some apothecary jars of my own. There are plenty of items around the home that could use this treatment. Plus, they come in all sorts of sizes and are among those wonders that serve many purposes.

For the bathroom:

Fill jars of different sizes with cotton balls, cotton swabs, and bath salts for functional purposes. You also can fill them with collected (or bought) seashells and sea glass for decorative functions.

For the home office:

Take a large jar and fill it with office supplies like pens and pencils. You can even make one a mailing station by filling it with stamps, return address labels and small envelopes. If you have kids, fill one with craft materials like crayons, stamps, stickers and glue.


For the kitchen:


Add some color by filling a jar with decorative baking items like cup-cake liners. Fill another with small items that might usually clutter a drawer. Make it functional by grouping like items together such as measuring spoons and cups.

For fun:

Place the jars around the home and fill with colorful candy or peppermints for guests to grab on the go. During the holidays, fill jars with ornaments, candy canes, or Halloween treats, and switch them up depending on the time of year. If it’s not a holiday, group some jars together to make a statement. Place a letter inside each to spell out your last name or another phrase like home, joy or family. If letters aren’t your thing, fill the jars with photos or greenery.

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