There are many reasons to clean a “dirty roof.” The most important reason is that your roof is not actually dirty at all, but infested with billions of microorganisms known as Gloeocapsa Magma. This strain of bacteria is a highly aggressive mold that is causing the black streaks and darkening on the roofs in Hawaii. It not only makes the roof look old and filthy, but it also is decomposing the roof and playing a major role in premature aging and failure in roofs.

This bacterium lays down an extensive filament root system that is known to cause cracking and fissures. These root systems penetrate deeper, grow larger and make for a very welcoming environment for larger strains of mold and bacteria, such as lichens and algae. These molds and bacteria actually are feasting on the surfaces they dwell on, shortening a roof’s life by as much as 30 percent of what’s expected of roofing material.




This is why many roofing material manufacturers now are adding algaecides and other mold-prevention methods to their products. However, because of the moist, humid environment in Hawaii, no product will keep bacteria away permanently. It is critical that you learn your manufacturer’s warranty for mold and their recommendations for cleaning your roof.

Also something to consider, the roofing company that installs your roof may not be the best choice for cleaning your roof. Roof cleaning is a skilled trade and should not be done by those without proper training and experience.

Most people are not aware that a pressure washer should not be used to clean a roof, as it is too aggressive and will cause extensive damage.


A pressure washer will leave the roof looking clean, but it does nothing for the eradication of the mold and bacteria. It simply sheers the mold off the surface, still allowing it to grow back quicker, thicker and fuller.



Mike Wedge from Envirowash Hawaii LLC — Hawaii’s only SoftWash Systems certified roof and exterior company — said, “Because we know that this mold is a living organism, we know that a 100 percent kill rate is required to alleviate this problem. This is not a cleaning concern, but a treatment to exterminate the mold and bacteria from the roof.

“Our soft wash roof cleaning process will ensure that your roof not only looks great, but that all of these organisms have been completely killed, and that your roof has a much greater chance of reaching its full, expected life cycle — saving thousands of dollars in premature replacement.”


In many cases, since the process is applied through agricultural sprayers, Envirowash doesn’t even have to get on the roof, and can work from the ridgelines instead.

Remember, “It’s not old, it’s mold.” Contact Envirowash Hawaii for a free on-site estimate or demo, or for more information on exterior cleaning concerns.

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