Have you included home safety on your list of new DIY projects?

Almost every home in the U.S. has a smoke alarm, but most do not have enough. Fire experts recommend installing alarms on every floor and inside and outside of every sleeping area. A recent survey by Kelton Research found less than a quarter of homeowners have applied this rule. A fire can double in size every 30 seconds. The sooner you hear a smoke alarm, the more time you have to escape.


Also, 75 percent of homes have a potential source of carbon monoxide (CO), but only half of the homes have a working CO alarm, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Produced by fossil fuel-burning appliances and engines, CO can cause injury or death if it builds up in your home. A working CO alarm is the only safe way to detect this odorless and invisible gas.

Consider these questions from the experts at Kidde to determine if your home is safe from fire and CO dangers.


1. How old are your smoke and CO alarms? Replace your smoke alarms every 10 years and your CO alarms every seven to 10 years, based on the model you purchased. Consider purchasing an alarm with a sealed lithium battery, such as the Worry-Free smoke and CO alarms, which provide hassle-free protection for 10 years.

2. Do you have enough smoke alarms? Place them on every floor and inside/outside of all bedrooms. Place CO alarms near sleeping areas and on each floor.

3. Have you developed a family escape plan? Make a plan for every room in the house and practice it. Be familiar with two ways out of every room and who will assist children and those with mobility/health issues.

4. Do your children know their address and how to dial 911? Post your home address and emergency phone numbers on the refrigerator.

This article is courtesy of Brandpoint.
