Pacific Islands Construction believes there are many issues about the solar industry that consumers should understand before or after they make an investment in a photovoltaic system. The following information is provided to help educate the consumer:

The consolidation of the PV module manufacturing industry continues with many companies closing their business or making cut backs in order to potentially survive. Every quarter these companies are reporting significant losses because of selling products below the cost to produce them.

Bosch reported 1 billion euros in impairments and losses from their solar division in 2012. Sharp closed its production facilities in the U.S. and is reportedly only selling modules in Japan at this point. And stock prices of solar companies are at an all-time low.


What does this mean to the consumer? You need to know the financials of the product that is being placed on your roof if you expect the warranty to mean anything. You also need to be aware that companies are less concerned about quality as this costs more and companies are paying less attention to what they are producing.


Here are a few things to keep in mind: All photovoltaic systems need to be maintained and inspected yearly to prevent expensive repairs down the road. Modules also should be cleaned of various deposits on surface causing depreciation in energy performance. Having your system inspected will reveal issues such as loose electrical cables, modules not secured to racking systems, roof flashings in need of attention to prevent leaks, and inverter problems.

Various ways of installing solar on your roof are available, including purchase, leasing and power purchase agreements (PPA). Leasing and PPA has someone else installing a PV system on your home at no cost to you, and you agreeing to buy the power it produces at a greatly reduced price or pay a discounted fee for the power that is produced.

Pacific Islands Construction can answer the questions you have for your home in an honest and sincere manner. Give the company the opportunity to show you why we are the right choice. Visit the company’s website at or call 841-7756.

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