Photos by Phil Spalding III
Following demolition of the owner’s previous home on a 7,740-square foot lot in Nuuanu Valley, Homeworks Construction has moved on to Phase 2 of the new custom home project scheduled for completion early next year. Foundation work was completed and framing begun in August; installation of windows and doors and interior finishes continued in September.
Homeworks president and chief of operations Sylvio Boucher, who handled the demolition and site preparation, noted that the new two-story, double wall home will provide the family with approximately 50 percent more space than the original one-story, single wall home.
With an approximately 2,954-square-foot interior plus a 675-square-foot lanai, the new home will include five bedrooms, three baths, a large open main living area, a custom kitchen (see photo) designed by Homeworks award-winning kitchen designer Sean Bradshaw, a laundry room, and two-car garage with workshop space.
“The previous home was out of date in terms of design and the family had outgrown it, plus there was termite infestation … it was not worth saving,” Boucher said. “We presented them with a plan for the new home created by our design team, and the owners agreed that building new was the way to go. Also, they liked the location, so moving to a larger home in another neighborhood was not a good option. They recognized that Homeworks, as a custom home builder, could produce a home tailored to their specific needs and lifestyle … and within their budget.”
A design-build firm, Homeworks handles every phase of a homebuilding project, from planning and permitting to final finishes. The Homeworks designers, builders, architects, and other specialists work as a team in close collaboration with the client to ensure that all projects are completed according to the terms of the contract, budget, and design plan. Named “Builder of the Year” by the Building Industry Association of Hawaii and one of “Hawaii’s Best” Construction Companies by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, the company has completed more than 1,000 new homes and remodels on Oahu, many of them award-winners, over the past 25 years. To view Homeworks projects, visit the website, homeworkshawaii.com.
Second in a three-part series.
Homeworks will present a free Build New Or ReDo seminar on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the company’s office and showroom at 2111 South Beretania St. The seminar will cover new homes, additions, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Remodels, as well as “Steps to Getting a Proper Bid.” A question and answer period will follow the presentations. For information and reservations, call Homeworks at 955-2777. Free parking and refreshments are available.
CONTACT 955-2777
ADDRESS 2111 S. Beretania St.
WEB homeworkshawaii.com
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