There is an interesting new trend in architecture and interior design called biophilic design. Biophilic design brings nature into your living space and place of work. It provides you engagement with the environment that has proven to help with health, fitness and well-being.
The basic principle of biophilic design is to connect us to nature in a natural way through the integration of design materials, color, and variations, and repetitions found in the outdoors. It is much more than just adding plants. It’s a multi-sensory experience that includes sight, touch, sound, and smell to capture and enhance your environment.

Features of biophilic design include wood, stone, metals, plants, water features, fire bowls, and mood lighting. The look is modern without being stark or sterile. Clean lines and modern materials combine with raw elements, colors, and patterns that are found and repeated in nature.
In Hawaii, we are lucky that our climate allows us to be outdoors year round.
Small things you can do yourself:

• Create a sitting area on your lanai making the space more usable with plants and shade.
• Adding wood to your home brings in natural warmth, either in furniture, floors or ceilings. An example is the natural cur ve of the “live edge” tables, which keeps the original lines of the trunk along its edges.
• Bring live trees and smaller plants into the home.
• Incorporate flowers for their beauty and aroma.

• Add a tabletop fire bowl for the living room or lanai.
• Indirect lighting or decorative lighting can liven up the space and enhance the evening atmosphere.
• Add a bench, chaise lounge or seating to enjoy the outdoors.
Redesigning the exterior of your home is a larger project and requires planning and permitting.
Additions include:
• natural wood siding
• lava rock walls
• metal trims, fi re pits, copper gutters
• landscaping that incorporates the architecture such as vertical gardens or water features.
• Create indoor/outdoor spaces such as a dining table on your lanai.
• Add lighting to bathe your home in relaxing colors. Smart lights allow you to design custom “scenes” to add mood lighting or help you focus.
Joan Robinson-Whitaker at Designer For A Day has been helping homeowners and businesses remodel and renovate their homes and offices for many decades. There are many benefits for both your home and office.
If you would like help incorporating natural elements in your exterior, interior or office, call Designer for a Day now for an appointment at 388-2064 or 486-9191.
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