Rejuvenating your home can be easy by following a few of these interior design tips.
Creating a focal point to each room or space is essential. The focal point brings your eye to it fi rst. Then your focus travels out to take in the rest of the room. The focal point should set the mood of the room.
Select your furniture and accessories before choosing your paint colors.
There are thousands of paint colors to select, so choose something that supports a color in your furniture or art.
The right size furniture for your room is very important. Size and proportion of furniture are two key elements in getting a room to be pleasing and inviting. Furniture too large in a small space may make the room confi ning. Furniture that is too small would make the room seem unbalanced. Finding the right balance of scale and portion with other elements of design are foundations of good design.
Develop a layered lighting plan. Use overhead lights with dimmers for ambience and standing lamps to highlight corners or high ceilings. Have table lamps for reading and tasks. Directional lights behind plants or furniture add a dramatic effect.
Hang your artwork at eye level. Exceptions can be made for stairs and high ceilings. Keep your collectibles in groupings. It is more interesting to see similar pieces together.
By just rearranging your furniture it can create new perspective. Keep the furniture away from the walls, if possible. Create an arrangement that allows you to have conversation.
If you have tile or wood flooring, add area rugs for comfort, appeal and acoustics.
A professional eye can make all the difference to rejuvenating your home.
Call Designer For a Day at 486-9191 for a two-hour, in-home consultation.
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