Did you know that just about any homeowner can take advantage of solar to save electricity and money without long wait times or approvals from Hawaiian Electric Co. (HECO)?
According to the experts at Alternate Energy Inc. (AEI), one of the most impactful ways to go solar is actually the easiest and least expensive: the good-old solar hot water heater and solar attic fan.
When AEI installs a solar water heater and solar attic fans, customers cut hot water heating costs virtually in half, and drastically reduce home cooling costs. Because this technology doesn’t require a connection to the power grid, no HECO approval is required.
Ross Kutsunai, director of sales at AEI, said the company is committed to helping customers with the full spectrum of home comfort and efficiency, including PV, home energy storage, electric vehicle charging, air conditioning, electrical contracting and of course the tried and true, original solar water heating and attic fan technology.
“Solar water heaters and attic fans will help you save electricity, and should be the first step in transforming your house into an energy effi cient home,” he said.
Experts across the board have said that, after air conditioning, a home’s hot water heater is the top appliance that uses the most energy in a household. By taking the steps to install a solar water heater, homeowners can cut electric bills almost in half.
Kutsunai added, “People can save a substantial amount of electricity (and money) by getting ‘back to the basics’ and investing in solar water heating and attic fans. Let Alternate Energy help you make the switch to solar today.”
Founded in 1993 as one of Hawaii’s oldest kamaaina solar companies, Alternate Energy is located in Mapunapuna at 803 Ahua St. Call the company at 842-5853 (Oahu) and 872-9592 (Maui) or visit its website at AlternateEnergyHawaii.com.
contact // 842-5853
web // AlternateEnergyHawaii.com
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