
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Can you give me some feng shui no-nos to be aware of?

First of all, if you encounter a “don’t” in your environment, you are not doomed, your feng shui is not bad and your life is not messed up. Although many things can negatively impact the good vibes in a home, not one is strong enough to doom your life.


Feng shui supports your life by minimizing the energetic negatives and maximizing the positives. And, for the record, I have never seen a home (including mine) with perfect feng shui. Here are my top feng shui no-nos:


Dead plants, dirty silk plants, “cobwebby” potpourri or old leis

To support you energetically, your plants need to thrive and be healthy. When your plants are dead or dying, they are losing their energy and emanate the energetic message that you too are losing energy. When your potpourri has lost its fragrance and has started collecting dust, it is time to dispose of it.

Silk plants can be excellent substitutes for live plants, however, letting them gather dust brings in “dead” energy and lowers the vibe. Dried leis that have special meaning and evoke happy memories outweigh the energetic negative of being “dead,” unless they no longer evoke those happy memories or you no longer need a visual reminder of those happy times.

Broken or dysfunctional things


Fix appliances, household items and plumbing, electrical and structural systems as soon as they need repair. Treat anything broken in your home with the same respect that you would a family member. A broken or dysfunctional item is akin to a sick family member, so tend to it immediately.

Beds positioned tightly against a wall

A bed pushed into a corner cuts off natural energy flow, especially when you are sleeping. Symbolically, sleeping on a bed pushed against a wall creates limiting energy that detracts from your ability to make choices and leaves no room for romance to enter or blossom in your life. Moving the bed away from the long wall allows the energy of empowerment into your life.

More is not always better

At times, less can be better, especially when it comes to undesirable commitments, obligations and unfulfilling work. Today, make “subtraction” a focus in your home. Subtract something from your bulletin board, memorabilia display, visible shelves, magazine piles, make-up drawer, or obligatory social calendar, and delete old texts and junk emails. By doing so, you will “add” to the energy bank of your life force.


Do you have a question for Alice? If so, send it to Alice Inoue is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Happiness U, a friendly educational establishment. Visit