
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: I heard that feng shui looks at numbers. How do I find out the numerology of my home and what it means? What if the number “4” is in my address? Isn’t it bad luck?

Numerology does play a part in feng shui. I get asked quite a bit about the number “4,” which many have heard is “unlucky,” because it sounds like “death” when said in Cantonese. This belief is based on cultural superstition and outdated thinking and does not really serve anyone.


My viewpoint on 4 is that like any other number, it is neither intrinsically good nor bad. We are in charge of the energy we create in our lives, and only through the meaning you give a number, can it have any control over your life.

Your home’s number

To find the numerology of your home, your goal is to reduce the numbers of the street or apartment down to a single digit.

For example, if your home number is “1426 Joyful Road,” you add 1 + 4 + 2 + 6 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4.


After you reduce the numbers to their numerological value, read the corresponding basic descriptions that follow and use them to enhance the energy of your space:

1: Symbolizing being “at one” with life, the “1” energy represents new beginnings, self-development, creativity and progress.

2: Symbolizing balance, cooperation and complementary opposites, the “2” energy is considered ideal for developing relationships with others.

3: Expressing creativity, family and self-expression, the “3” energy is associated with the body, mind and soul, enhances optimism and is perfect for those who like to entertain.

4: Emphasizing stability and security, the “4” energy is associated with productivity and great energy for balancing one’s life.

5: Resonating with fun, the “5” energy promotes excitement and being impulsive, representing freedom, resourcefulness and adventure.


6: Symbolizing home, love and beauty in feng shui, the “6” energy represents service to family, the environment, animals and the community.

7: Emphasizing contemplation, self-evaluation, solitude and spirituality, a “7” home is one that supports rest and quietude.

8: Related to material prosperity, “8” energy expresses infinite possibilities, abundance and success, drawing opportunities toward you.

9: Symbolizing wisdom and achievement, “9” is the highest number in numerology. It brings the energy of the “highest” possibility to those in the home.

Remember, you create your experience. Don’t let a superstition or hearsay dictate the direction of your life. Use numerology to enhance what you want, not to move in a negative direction.

Send questions to Alice Inoue is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Happiness U, where you’ll find inspiring classes geared toward personal growth and self-development.
