Sometimes it makes more sense to rebuild rather than renovate. “If a house is severely undermined by termite or water infiltration, it’s generally more economical to demolish it and build new on the lot … as with a Kaimuki home we just completed,” said Homeworks CEO Jim Byxbee.
Other factors in a decision to build a new home rather than remodel are lifestyle changes and the desire to upgrade into a more modern, comfortable, functional home environment.
“A typical scenario is a new generation of a family growing up in a home they eventually inherit … they like the neighborhood and so opt to rebuild on the site rather than sell and move to a home in another location,” Byxbee added. “The Kaimuki neighborhood has become very desirable, both for its convenience and the proliferation of new shops and restaurants … many of which are within walking distance of this home.”
Byxbee noted that clients who rebuild on the site of an existing home typically start planning well in advance of choosing a contractor. “Invariably they have been checking out their options for designs and fi nishes online. Our design team works with the owner to make their ‘wish list’ work with the budget.”
Homeworks demolished the existing single wall, post-and-pier structure and replaced it with a new double wall, custom home on a concrete slab.
“The 5,500-square-foot property is level, so the demolition went quickly and the lot was cleared and ready to start new construction in a few days,” Byxbee said. “We poured a slab that would serve as a foundation, plus a large parking area and driveway to the rear of the house where we built a carport.
A big concrete pour was complete in two weeks; then we were able to start framing, plumbing, and electrical work. Interior fi nishes of course come last.”
The 1,286-square-foot home includes two bedrooms, two baths, den/office and large family room that opens to the kitchen, where an island provides additional cabinet space and seating for three.
Free Build New Or ReDo Seminar
“Multi-Generational Homes”
• Hosted by Kim Green CGP (Certified Green
Professional) and Aging-in-Place Specialist
• Homeworks Construction Showroom
• 2111 S. Beretania St.
• Tuesday, March 1, 6-8 p.m.
• Free refreshments & parking
• Call for reservations & directions, 955-2777
contact // 955-2777
address // 2111 S. Beretania St.
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