As Island families grow older, so do the homes that they live in. The kupuna face the critical questions of having to accommodate growing families, the possibility of moving loved ones into care homes, and passing personal property down to the next generation. Is it time to renovate or is it time to tear down and build a new home? Since the home is the centerpiece and one of the largest investments in a family’s life, homeowners must ask these questions as time continues.
Home additions or alterations are a great way to provide the extra space for other family members, or an aging loved one needing a place to stay. They still provide personal space for them to live and to continue to thrive on their own. The City has recently passed legislation to allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) of 800 square feet or less on an existing residential property. These ADUs are a great way to add value to an existing property by providing much desired affordable housing. Did you know that more than 55 percent of homes in the Honolulu area were built before the year 1980? Many of these older homes were built using single-wall construction, and today are in dire need of repair and a little TLC. Perhaps, if feasible for island families, the better decision is to rebuild a new, custom-designed home.
Drafting Solutions LLC will help guide you in making design decisions and will collaborate with you through every step of the process. Drafting Solutions LLC has been privileged to work with different homeowners in renovating or designing their new homes over the past nine years. The company understands that designing is a process. The company also works with various locally licensed and bonded contractors to obtain the best pricing and value for the homeowner through competitive bidding.
Do you have a project that you are not sure how to go about? Drafting Solutions LLC provides complete design, drafting and permitting services for all of your planning needs. Let the company assist you in creating your new, fresh dream home to enjoy for years. Give Drafting Solutions LLC a call for a free consultation at 352-2548.
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