Incorporating energy-saving features in remodels and new home construction is no longer just an option, but a priority among an increasing number of Homeworks Construction clients. Kim Green CGP, a Homeworks Construction project coordinator and Certified Green Professional, said a new “energy consciousness” is driving many of the choices the company’s clients make when planning a new kitchen, addition, whole house remodel or new custom home.
“Solar water heating systems and photo-voltaic systems are the basic energy-saving features now routinely incorporated in most major remodels and new homes,” Green said. “However, there are numerous other features to consider that are both environmentally friendly and save dollars for the homeowner … sometimes right away, other times down the road. These savings add up and become more significant as energy prices increase.”

A recently completed, moderately priced custom home in Palolo showcases a number of energy-saving features: light colored composition shingles with high reflectivity and TechShield radiant barrier insulation to reduce heat transfer to the interior of the home, solar hot water heating system, wood framing and engineered wood siding, both products from sustainably managed forests. As with most new Homeworks homes, the house was built with ridge vents and eave vents in every bay between rafters to allow air to flow naturally and rise through the roof.
A Hawaii Loa Ridge major remodel included a new open kitchen designed by Homeworks’ award-winning kitchen designer Sean Bradshaw. Energyand dollar-saving features range from engineered wood flooring to lighting. “We opened up the ceiling to install a skylight to supplement artificial lighting and light admitted by double pane Low E windows over the sink, which also provide a view and ventilation. The pendant-style light fixtures over the dining counter can be fitted with LED lighting as well as compact fluorescent bulbs. The pendant bar utilized one electrical point to eliminate added cost for independent wall switches for each pendant. Ceiling fans were installed throughout the home to reduce the need for air conditioning,” said Green.
A winner of the Energy Value Housing Award in the BIA Parade of Homes, Homeworks presents free Build New Or ReDo seminars on the first Tuesday of each month (except December and January). Green noted that energy-saving features will be discussed in the next seminar Tuesday, Oct. 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Homeworks Construction Showroom at 2111 S. Beretania St. For information and reservations, call 955-2777.
contact // 955-2777
address // 2111 S. Beretania St.
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