Every now and then, an innovative new product radically changes the status quo — the automobile, the television, the cell-phone. More recently, its self-priming interior paints, (aka “paint and primer” coatings) — which are changing the way we adorn our homes, saving us time and effort in the process.

“Self-priming paints are more than just a product advancement. They’re an entirely new category of technologically advanced coatings that do double-duty as both primer and paint, offering an array of benefits never before available from a single coating,” said Debbie Zimmer, paint and color expert for the Paint Quality Institute.


Like interior primers, these new paint and primer products offer good hiding of both the underneath color and marks that may be present on the surface being painted — and, like high-end paints, they impart a beautiful, easy-to-maintain finish that has good stain resistance and is easily washable. All of these benefits come from a single can, which typically has “paint and primer” printed on the label.


By using a self-priming interior paint, a do-it-yourselfer or contractor can quickly repaint an interior space and short-circuit the normal painting regimen: applying a coat of primer over a properly prepared surface followed by two or more coats of paint. Now, he or she can simply paint that same surface with just two coats of a paint and primer product — thus eliminating an entire application.

“The brands of self-priming products that perform best, meaning they have a great balance of primer and paint properties, all contain 100 percent acrylic latex binder. All-acrylic binder is the ingredient that gives conventional paint exceptional adhesion, toughness and durability, so it’s not surprising that it also elevates the performance of the new paint and primer products,” Zimmer said.


If you’re thinking about doing some home painting in the near future, you might want to think about using the “next big thing” in coatings: a paint and primer product that contains 100 percent acrylic binder.

To read more, visit the Paint Quality Institute blog at http://blog.paintquality.com/.

This article is courtesy of Home Improvement News and Information Center.
