Is your bathtub or shower old and looking neglected? Do you have the original bathroom fittings and counters from the 1970s or 80s in those out-of-date colors? Are you coping with the previous owner’s decorating scheme? Perhaps you have postponed remodeling your bathroom due to the high cost or the inconvenience of getting the work done. If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time to call Al’s Bathtub Refinishing to resurface the tub, tile and countertop in your bathroom.
Refinishing your tub with Al’s Bathtub Refinishing is a cost-effective bathroom makeover alternative. With this option you can give a damaged and dirty bathtub a brand new look and color. Refinishing a bathtub’s chips and cracks gives it a new look and feel. You can also change the color of the bathtub. Al’s Bathtub Refinishing will allow you to save thousands of dollars and also keep you away from days and weeks of wreckage mess of a costly replacement and save up to 75 percent of replacement costs. Refinishing bathtubs will extend the lifespan 10 to 15 years or even more if you follow some basic care and guidelines suggested by Al’s Bathtub.
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There are a number of advantages of refinishing bathtubs. It not only allows you to save your hard-earned money and valuable time, but it also has certain environmental benefits. You can also repair other worn-out and hard-to-clean fixtures like showers, fiberglass, acrylic, cultured marble, tile, claw-foot tubs and countertops.
Some say nothing compares to a newly-remodeled bathroom. And they are, in part, right. Naturally, an entirely remodeled bathroom has its advantages, but you would be pleased to learn how resurfacing existing fixtures and countertops (and maybe a paint job) can revitalize a bathroom with a completely new look. Call Al’s Bathtub Refinishing for your free estimate at 679-8297 or visit us online at
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