Before you tear up your entire bathroom, consider bathtub and tile refinishing and reglazing. In only one day, your surfaces can be brilliantly re-grouted, repaired and re-colored with a tough acrylic coating that will last for years.
Did you just move into a new property or apartment? Get a fresh start with a new, clean bathtub or all-tile surface, and make it affordable!
Have a green, yellow or pink tub? Al’s Bathtub Refinishing leaves your fixtures with a dazzling fresh look that is simple to maintain, while creating the strongest bond available for a long-lasting, stunning finish. Al’s Bathtub specializes in the restoration of authentic claw foot bathtub refinishing, pedestal sink refinishing and all-tile refinishing without wasting money and time.
Put together the savings of our reglazing with a new tile floor installation for a complete solution. In this economy, we’re not able to afford to waste money or time. Strategies for getting the best job at the right price save both.
Al’s Bathtub Refinishing’s objective is simply to deliver the most appealing and cost-effective way to upgrade a bathroom in a way that saves its homeowners’ resources.
The company has been used in this sluggish economy more than ever before by homeowners and managers who want their bathtubs, countertops and sinks looking like new at a fraction of the cost of replacement. Sellers who improve the quality of their bathrooms and kitchens sell their properties quicker than those who do not. With prices starting at less than $380 per tub, you’ll find bathtub resurfacing to be a fraction of the cost of replacement.
Quality renters also want quality units where their bathtubs, sinks and countertops are not dull, damaged or rusted. With minimal interruption to renters, units may be used 24 hours after reglazing. While saving cash, time and the environment, a wide range of bathtub refinishing colors and a change of fixtures enables you to modernize the design of a bathroom. With superior coatings, apartment owners are guaranteed that whether their fixtures are porcelain, fiberglass, cultured marble or acrylic, they can be repaired and refinished to look like new with huge savings.
- After
- Before
- Photo: Leah Friel
- Photo: Leah Friel
Bathtub refinishing vs. replacement
Al Fernandez, owner of Al’s Bathtub Refinishing, explained that not every bathtub can be refinished. Some will have to end up in a landfill while others can be resurfaced.
Here is why bathtub replacement is expensive and messy:
• Other bathtubs are not the same size as the new ones made today. that poses a problem in trying to get the tub to fit into the exact same spot as the old tub.
• New bathtubs may be bought for less than $300, but the total price for a complete replacement may run up to $4,000 or more.
• Walls have to be demolished and tiles may have to be replaced. In addition, a plumber, tile setter and perhaps an electrician are needed to put the fixtures back together.
• Old tubs, tiles and walls end up in landfills.
Using Al’s Bathtub Refinishing, the whole bathtub restoration process is contained to the bathroom, and there is no trip to the landfills.
Refinishing is definitely the better choice compared to replacement if you consider the environmental impact, time and budget. If you are unable to go with refinishing at this time, consider other ways of recycling your old tubs, so as to keep them out of landfills.
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Photos courtesy of Al’s Bathtub Refinishing
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