Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Some of Honolulu’s fourthand fifth-graders recently got involved in developing their own solar energy systems when RevoluSun volunteers conducted a week-long program for several classes at Ala Wai Elementary School.

Students were able to reinforce their math and science skills when RevoluSun led a broad discussion about renewable and non-renewable energy, conducted a personalized project by letting students design their own PV system and participate in other hands-on solar activities.


“We discussed what the students knew about the sun and where energy comes from,” said RevoluSun marketing manager Elana Kopelevich. “They were enthusiastic about discussing what they see in everyday life and applying it to these greater themes of harnessing energy and sustainability — topics that will be important to understand throughout their lifetime.”

Students were able to learn about solar energy with projects that involved light-sensitive paper creations and solar grasshoppers in a baking tin. They also participated in a discussion about renewable energy and completed worksheets that helped them design PV systems, which applied their school-learned techniques to solar energy creations of their own.


“Our goal in getting students involved in the solar energy dialogue is to continue our participation in the community by investing in our children, which are the future,” related RevoluSun principal Eric Carlson. “Education is essential to understanding the challenges the next generation will face in the real world. We are proud to provide this two-day series to elementary schools interested in supplementing their curriculum with solar energy information.”


RevoluSun’s free solar education program is ideal for grade levels four through six, although RevoluSun can customize the curriculum to any grade level. In order to inquire about a scheduling a visit your school, please contact Elana Kopelevich at

RevoluSun sells 3,500th system

One Aiea family is going to get more than free energy with their RevoluSun solar system they purchased in March. As RevoluSun’s 3,500th residential solar client in less than four years, the family also has won a RevoluSun prize package that includes a dinner for two at Longhi’s and a donation of $500 to the school of their choice.

To date, RevoluSun residential projects are producing about 125 MW of energy every day, saving Hawaii and Massachusetts homeowners more than $6 million each year in energy costs. Don’t wait — join the RevoluSun now!



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