Is your bathtub or tile chipped, stained, rusted or an unattractive color? Is your fiberglass tub or shower stall cracked or leaking? Is your countertop dated? Does your sink look sunk?
Don’t throw them in the dumpster along with your hard-earned money. Al’s Bathtub Refinishing will give you the look of a brand new bathtub without the cost.
Refinishing a bathtub is one of the best ways to give your bathroom a cost-effective make-over that will save you thousands of dollars by avoiding the costly fee associated with replacement. Replacing can take days or even weeks to complete. By refinishing, you can save up to 75 percent, versus the cost of replacement, and have your tub looking like new again in just one day.

You may have come cross the option of using a DIY kit to refinish your bathroom without experience in applying acrylics and the professional tools to make the end result looked polished, you may end up with off-color and uneven surfaces that will quickly deteriorate. Most of these kits are rolled on or in a spray can form which can never replicate the results of professional application. Many of our customers approach us after already having made a costly and time-consuming attempt at DIY.
Al’s Bathtub refinishing process can be done in three to four hours for most tubs. Once the refinishing process is complete, the fixtures can be used in 24 hours. Al’s Bathtub uses only the finest product for the refinishing process, Glass-Tech 9000. It is a two-component, high-solids, high-performance acrylic urethane that delivers outstanding wear resistance and promotes a long-term coating lifespan. The Glass-Tech 9000 resin system is available in a variety of finishes with many ancillary products for a multitude of uses. Available in pure white and all standard plumbing fixture and appliance manufacturer colors.

Al’s Bathtub Refinishing can repair rust in your porcelain fixtures and also repair cracks in fiberglass fixtures. We re-glaze bathtub, marble walls, tile walls, counter-tops, cast iron, fiberglass, plastic and cultured marble. We repair rust on porcelain, cracks on fiberglass and cultured marble, chip, gouges and scratches. We also can repair chips on brand new bathtubs and fiberglass showers that get damaged accidentally by shipping or through installation.
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