Live Bright Solutions is making the task of purchasing a solar system simple and affordable. A phone call to 271-9772 is all it takes to set you up with a friendly Live Bright Solutions representative who will handle a short 30-minute on-site survey of your home and review of your electrical needs. A verbal estimate is given on the spot, followed up with a formal written estimate within 24 hours.

Live Bright Solutions understands that the clock is ticking and everyone is in a hurry to take advantage of 35 percent state credits and 30 percent federal tax credits before 2012 is up. For this very reason, Live Bright Solutions is prepared with enough install crews to handle the fall rush for Photovoltaic solar systems.


To expedite any financing needs, Live Bright Solutions has teamed up with one of Hawaii’s top local credit unions, which has 11 Oahu branches, to help you get financed quickly for your solar system. To apply with a Live Bright Solutions solar loan program partner, all you need is your Live Bright Solutions contract, signed loan application, two years of tax returns and two current pay stubs for all parties applying for the loan, and you can get financed in as little as three to four business days.

Going green can be expensive, and that’s why Live Bright Solutions has the most competitive pricing program on the market for top-of-the-line Solar World 255 American-made panels, which feature 25-year warranties on both panel and micro inverters as well as a 10-year installation warranty. During October, the company is giving all customers $2,000 off list prices and free semiannual cleaning for the first two years.

Live Bright Solutions even takes care of all your permits, HECO net metering agreements and homeowners association paperwork to make it as easy as possible to go green in 2012.


To make it even more enticing, did you know that Live Bright Solution’s installers have more than 10 years of experience in hot water solar and roofing? Wouldn’t you prefer to have a roofer taking care of your solar installation on your largest family investment?

Call Live Bright Solutions at 271-9772, or email to lock in your 2012 PV install before it’s too late.

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