QUESTION OF THE WEEK: When you write about feng shui, it seems that what you say is less rigid and rules-oriented. You use the terms “energy” and “vibration” a lot — what is it, and how does it relate to feng shui?

Over the years, as I began to understand “energy” and get more in tune with people and their situations and homes, I saw that feng shui was fluid and not as much about rules, but rather about understanding energy and how we are each connected to the whole.

Universal Laws


To better explain energy and vibration, I’d like to familiarize you with the Law of Vibration. In my life and in working with feng shui, the Law of Vibration has helped me better understand the interconnectedness of everything. Let’s start with the basics.

The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe has an energetic vibrational frequency. Everything you see, feel, think, taste and touch is vibrating and in motion, even if it appears solid and static.

Every person, situation and decision in your life has an energetic vibration to which you are connected.

The energetic match with your environment


My feng shui work has shown me that homes have an energetic vibration. When you are ready for a change, whether or not you are consciously aware of it, you nearly always feel the need to clear out a closet or clean up the house. You may not know why, but you “feel like it,” indicating a vibrational shift to a higher level. It is because you need the environment to better match your internal shift.

The Law of Vibration in life

In your life, you can see this when you are going through a change. When you grow tired of a job, a relationship or a piece of clothing, and decide to do something about it, it is because your energetic vibration has changed and you no longer resonate with the item or person. As you evolve and grow, you move your vibration to new levels.

Challenging situations

We are always exactly where we need to be no matter where we are in life, and whenever substantial inner work has occurred, we naturally feel compelled to find new circumstances to match. Be open to recognizing your vibrational shifts as you lose resonance with people and situations around you, and accept that you are about to make a needed change.


If you want to make a change, but it isn’t happening as quickly as you’d like, use the Law of Vibration to your advantage and start shifting your home’s vibration by clearing out some clutter (old vibrations). This can help you to shift the energy enough for a change to happen.