
That time of year again: project season. This is an exciting time, but before you jump in with booted feet and work-gloved hands, you need to do a little planning. Here are preparation tips to ensure the project you’ve been dreaming about is set up for success.

Know when to rent and when to buy.

No matter what type of DIY project you’re planning, you’re going to need some tools. Smaller tools, such as screwdrivers or hammers, are worth buying because you’ll use them in the future. However, if you need larger tools, like floor sanders, carpet cleaners and big power tools, you’re probably better off renting those instead. Before you make any big purchase, ask yourself if you’ll ever use it again. If the answer is “no,” rent it from your local home improvement store. You’ll save the money and space.

Don’t ignore your pain.

DIY projects can be hard work, especially if they involve the repetitive use of muscles you may not commonly use. Don’t ignore the pain or allow it to affect your productivity. Consider Advil, as it offers fast, long-lasting relief for several types of pain, including the muscle aches, backaches and joint pain common with DIY projects.

Have the right tools on-hand.


Some tools have a place in just about every project, so it’s a good idea to keep a collection of these often-used tools nearby. Your go-to tool collection should include a hammer, tape measure, drill, saw, sander, glue, level and an assortment of screwdrivers. You won’t use all of these tools on every project but it’s a safe bet you can find a use for a few of them on any project.

Make safety first.

To keep yourself and your project partners healthy, remember these common DIY project safety practices when you tackle any DIY goal:

• Always wear safety glasses and a mask when appropriate.

• Situate ladders on level ground, avoid stepping on the top two rungs and always use a spotter for taller climbs.


• If you’re working on an electrical project make sure your environment is water and moisture free. You also should wear rubber-soled shoes for safety.

• Keep your work area well-lit and clean. The better you can see, the better you can avoid accidents, slips and falls.

• When using sharp objects, cut away from your body and never leave power tools unattended.

• Always keep a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher nearby.


This article is courtesy of Brandpoint.