Did you know that metal roofing systems have increased in popularity over the years? There are many different types of metal roofing systems and finishes that are applied to them. This has allowed for them to become ever more popular in today’s market of fresh, clean designs and versatile color palettes.

Is your home suited for a metal roofing system?

Most metal roofing systems work best on homes that have at least a pitch of 3:12. There are metal roofing options for homeowners with lower pitched roofing systems; however, these options are more limited. Homeowners who have solar fans, skylights or any other roof protrusions need not worry, as metal roofing systems can be flashed to make your home leak-proof around any existing protrusions.

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What are the advantages of having a metal roofing system?


According to the Metal Roofing Alliance, there are numerous advantages to installing a metal roofing system, including but not limited to:

• Aluminum is often preferred as a roofing material substrate in heavy salt spray environments. It is durable and maintenance-free, given there is enough annual rainfall.

• A metal roofing system minimally is comprised of 25 percent recycled material, which makes it a green building product.


• Standing seam is an ideal platform for integrating solar electric and solar thermal renewable energy solutions.

• Current metal roofing products have finishes available that prevent 75 to 80 percent of the sun’s energy from being absorbed into the roof.

• A metal roof won’t rot, crack, crumble, split, break or burn; this enhances its longevity, as opposed to other roofing materials.

Warranty options


Depending on the manufacturer, the material warranties for a metal roofing system range from 30 years to limited lifetime; this is commonly in reference to the finish or coating product applied to the metal.

Surface Shield Roofing is a locally owned and operated family full-service roofing company servicing Hawaii for the last seven years. Surface Shield has a highly trained workforce that can help you decide what roof is the best choice for your home by providing you with an on-site evaluation of your existing structure, as well as literature so that you can make an informed decision. Call the company today at 739-9599 for your free estimate.

contact // 739-9599
email // info@surfaceshieldroofing.com