THE WEEK: I enjoy reading about feng shui symbolism and what you share. Can you touch upon kitchen symbolism in an upcoming article?

Yes! The kitchen is considered the most vital and important part of the house, as it nourishes us and sustains life. Read below and see what the state of your kitchen says about you.

The stove

Considered “male energy” and the “wealth generator,” the stove is the single most important symbolic factor when using feng shui to analyze the ease with which you prosper financially. The stove represents the fueling of the physical energy that is needed to be productive.

Stove symbolism


Burnt-out burner. An inoperable burner means your ability to manifest new avenues of abundance and opportunities is limited. To regain your energy, replace any burnt-out burners.

Unused burner(s). Not using all your burners is symbolic of being in a rut, lacking vitality and limiting your ability to benefit from financial resources. Consciously using burners that you haven’t used for awhile will energize you and help you break free of old patterns.

Grimy burners. Dirty burners suggest unnecessary expenses and a lack of clarity about where your money is going. Cleaning off the grime energetically opens your eyes to new strategies to manage your finances and optimize your personal energy.

Blocked burners. Blocked burners represent blocked opportunities. Use the top of the stove to cook, not to store food, empty pots and pans or boxes. A clear stovetop suggests that you are open to opportunities coming into your life.


The Refrigerator


The refrigerator, considered “female energy,” represents our feminine side and has a nurturing quality, “hugging and holding” our food. Maintain the health of your refrigerator, especially if you are feeling drained by others’ needs and wants.

Refrigerator symbolism

Cluttered face. Many refrigerators resemble billboards or photo albums with items attached by magnets, which have “sucking” energy. What is on the door can symbolically show who or what is draining your energy. Removing all paraphernalia from the refrigerator door will help restore your energy. What you place on your refrigerator door should be energetically supportive.

Clutter on top. The top of your refrigerator should not be used for open storage. Anything placed in that area that is not decorative or beautifying represents burdens you may be carrying and cannot let go of. Clear the top of the refrigerator and energetically remove heaviness in your life.

Expired food. Storing expired food energetically holds you in the past and drains you of the energy needed to live an inspired life. Keep the contents of your refrigerator current.

Honor the Yin and the Yang


Take some time to “honor” both the male and female elements in your kitchen to create a greater sense of balance in your life.

Do you have a question for Alice? If so, send it to Alice Inoue is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Happiness U, a friendly educational establishment, where you’ll find inspiring classes geared toward personal growth and self development.