The start of spring is when newly imagined spaces become do-it-yourself realities. Here are some easy and affordable DIY tips to bring 2014’s trends into your home.

Don’t just spring clean … spring create

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to mean getting rid of everything in the garage. Familiar pieces showcased in a special way can be a conversation starter. Love cycling, but have an old bicycle that you don’t ride anymore? Consider using its components to construct a unique piece of furniture to showcase your passion for the sport.


Peter Debelak, co-owner of Soulcraft Woodshop and Gallery, a membership-based community woodworking workshop in Cleveland, Ohio, did just that. He used Elmer’s ProBond Advanced, a construction adhesive designed specifically for bonding porous to non-porous mixed materials, such as metal to wood or ceramic to drywall, to create a rotating wine rack made out of a bicycle wheel, as well as a shelf and coat rack constructed from a repurposed bicycle crank-set and handle-bars.


Go ahead, mix materials

Vintage and contemporary design elements come together to create rustic contemporary looks. Metal, wood, glass, ceramic — all of these key materials play essential roles in making your home the center of attention. Mixing two, or even all, of these together will give you an edge in creating a unique space. Consider gluing pieces of metal and wood together to construct an industrial-style coffee table.

Give piece(s) a chance

Recycled wooden pallets and cable spools are trending now on Pinterest in 2014, as DIYers turn them into coffee tables, desks and wall art. For a quick and simple patio transformation, spray paint large, wooden cable spools and use them as outdoor tables.

Organize organically


Most people kick spring off with a little time devoted to organizing. There are easy ways to make your current space functional for your lifestyle without sacrificing your design preferences. Don’t let closet space get cluttered; rather, make use of a space you usually ignore.

People are discovering new ways to make beautiful items more functional. That fabulous bench in your entryway may be storing clothing items in a secret storage space, but your guests never need to know. Adding storage and improving organization can be just as creative as other spring decorating endeavors. The possibilities are endless!

This article is courtesy of Brandpoint.
