If you’ve had your eye on the outdoor living industry at all, you’ve no doubt seen a pergola or 10. A pergola, or a large arbor with enough room under it for a living space, is absolutely the newest and most popular garden structure used for defining outdoor living areas.

But, if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of home and garden magazines, television shows, blogs and newspaper articles featuring a wide array of pergolas in different styles, types, materials and uses, you’re not alone!

You probably know that pergolas were once used as simply an extended arbor for vining all kinds of plants, flowers and vines. And, of course, all pergolas can still be used in this way. But, you may have noticed that many pergolas are going bare with no plans of growing vines soon. As women’s fashion seems to be losing more and more “coverage” with each passing year, so too do pergolas want to show some more skin.


While pergolas are at the height of fashion, they certainly don’t box you in like many passing style trends that can only be executed one way. Pergolas come in all sizes and in pine, cedar, vinyl as well as several other materials. You can leave the beams exposed, or decorate them with vines. Plus, you can create a sitting area, dining area, pool area or well, any kind of area underneath it!

If you’re looking to create a pergola of your own, the best place to design your entire project is at GazeboCreations.com, which features a complete step-by-step customization process. Vinyl pergolas need absolutely no maintenance, but don’t really lend the rustic feel of a Red Cedar or Pine pergola. Pine pergolas can be painted if you’re looking to truly personalize your design with expert artistic skills, while a stained red cedar pergola will have a natural luster that will wow you everyday.

To get started on your pergola project, visit http://www.Fifthroom.com.

This article is courtesy of Home Improvement News and Information Center.
